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Ditch cleaner Hydraulic Rockwheel attachment FOR SALE OR RENT/ SMI Solutions


D 15  Hydraulic Rockwheel attachment


For water and mud management of ramps and levels.The only and first equipment designed specifically for the maintenance of underground ditches.

Direct Drive RockWheel D15
Puissance hp(kW) 55 (41)
Pression d’opération max. psi (bar} 5800 (400)
Débit hydraulique requis GPM (1/min} 25-35 (94-133)
Vitesse des drums RPM 75 • 105
Max CuttingHead Torque ft. lb (KNm) 5861 (7.9)
Max CuttingForce lbs (kN} 7522 (33.4)
Excavator Class ton (met ton)
Oîmensional Specs D15 w/ Rock Drums
Poids lbs (kg) 1315 (598)
A.largeur in (mm) 33 (831)
B. Hauteur in (mm) 37 (939)
C. Diamètre des drums in(mm) 18.7(475)
O. Gearbox entre drums in (mm) 4.6(118)
Picks/Oents Carbides 64